Splish, splash, I was taking a bath **

Babies in India aren't immersed for cleaning, so it comes as quite a shock to them when we want to put them in water, however shallow, however pleasantly warm, however many toys to splash with. Hope's first bath, in the hotel room sink in India, lasted all of one minute. Her shocked screaming and crying were more than a considerate hotel guest would inflict on fellow guests!
In the days since she has been at home, she has happily watched sister Faith splashing in the water, and has stood at the side of the tub doing some happy splashing herself. So when it came time to try bathing her again, she quickly got into the spirit of the thing, as you can see here!
**Who sang this song? What was the next line?
*ahem* The great Bobby Darin, though not his best effort, IMNSHO.
"Long about a Saturday night.
Rub-a-dub, Just relaxin' in my tub
Thinkin' everything was alright..."
etc etc etc.
You'd be surprised how often a cover band is asked to play this at a wedding. Seriously.
Hey, Bri, dat you? Glad to know about your new blog ... you said this morning that our li'l group has lots of bloggers. Found MLF's from yours ... and thanks for linking to mine! I'll return the favor.
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